
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lindsay Lohan has been sued for not paying the bills of his clothes
A few weeks ago, Lindsay Lohan paid $ 100,000 for a drink. Probably. It was an MTV awards party after Lindsay probably had a drink that has tripped and injured her SCRAM probation, lost his $ 100,000 bail. Bail was a new, etc., but probably the best Lindsay has certainly had the court (or the filing of servants), the first $ 100,000 paid to set. While Linds may lose $ 100K in a vodka tonic.

This bitch is an actor, right? Well, I thought that Lindsay the money would run very fast, especially if it failed to continue his probation. This new report from TMZ is probably just the tip of an iceberg of debt - was arrested after them, because he is not her 17 Lindsay K, tougher than nails $, a boutique in Los Angeles has paid off. Lindsay Lohan has a diabolical scheme to defraud at a store in Los Angeles fraudulent thousands of dollars to develop ... filed after an action will be today.
TMZ has obtained a copy of the complaint, in which very strong - an expensive clothes shop, jewelry and accessories - Lindsay said store-bought between November 2009 and February 2010. After the verdict Lindsay has a bill of $ 17,060.83 collected and persuade the owners of its charge d'affaires to play Bill. But the disappointment of the owner paid a total amount of director Lindsay $ 180 The study, which the County Superior Court filed claims Lindsay "did not intend to cause his manager to ensure that pay the full balance." And it is this - the lawsuit alleges that the owners rely Shop "Lindsay knows the state and an actress with a considerable profit." wrong in both cases. The owners say that is the fraud with intent and Lindsay for compensation are looking for committed - 16,880.63 - $ plus interest and punitive damages. No comment area Lindsay.
[A] Oh TMZ. Not so shocking, really. I suspect that brought most of these cases against Lindsay in the future as his "Baller existence is its foreign debt size reduction and the lack of income. TMZ has another story about Lindsay and his arrest in 2007 - the idiot police crossed the mind of Lindsay believes that the document was cocaine solar clinic crushed very well, and threw him. Ugh. So there was contamination of evidence. Fluke, Lindsay ..
